Winter Health Tips

The winter season is certainly taxing on our health. The sunless days, the cold-hot temperatures, the moodiness…. These are things we all deal with throughout the colder months. It may seem hopeless, but there are a few simple ways to keep your energy up, and your body healthy despite the uncomfortable outdoors. First, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, even when you’d rather just sit back with a cup of instant soup or something else that quick and easy. Instead, spend time in the morning, when your energy levels are highest, and put up a soup that will be ready to enjoy in the early evening. That way, you can relax during the day knowing you have something hot and healthy to eat later. You can find a bunch of easy winter soup recipes online.

Second, keep your body alert and moving. Although the couch and that great book are very tempting, try to limit your lazy time to the later hours of the day, or, if you can, to after-dinner hours. If you’re home from work during the day, try to go for a walk if the weather allows it. If not, maybe pick up a new hobby like sculpting, cooking, knitting- whatever keeps you entertained. Also, do some easy exercises while you wait for your bath to fill in the evenings. Jumping rope is a great way to keep your body and heart in great shape.

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Third, get your sleep. The sun sets early during the winter, and all of nature takes it easy. So should you. Take advantage of the short days and catch up on all the sleep you’ve missed out on during the busy summer. Don’t sleep too late, though, as this can just make your more tired and less focused during the following day.


Angie is a home health nurse who has been working with patients for over 20 years. In her free time, she enjoys dabbling in the stock market, taking spinning classes, cooking and gardening. She loves being the editor at Sunstone. Reach her at angie[at]

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