Taking Shoes off at the Door

Most people probably understand, in theory, why it’s healthy to take your shoes off in the house. You might have picked up gum on the bottom of your shoe; maybe you stepped in something unseemly, etc. But most people probably don’t realize just how unhealthy it is to have shoes on in the house.

In a recent article, two scientists, Mark Patrick Taylor and Gabriel Filippelli, unpack the many reasons to abandon those shoes at the door. Here is a summary of their findings.

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They found that people actually spend 90% of their time indoors and that a third of your indoor air quality comes from things you bring into the home. Some of these items that you may bring in on your shoes include infectious germs that could be hard to treat and cancer-causing toxins from asphalt road residue and lawn chemicals. Yicks!

As they explained, “A strong focus of our work has involved assessing levels of potentially toxic metals (such as arsenic, cadmium and lead) inside homes across 35 nations…The science suggests a very strong connection between the lead inside your home and that in your yard soil. The most likely reason for this connection is dirt blown in from your yard or trodden in on your shoes, and on the furry paws of your adorable pets.”

Spring has Sprung

Aurora on the Vernal Equinox. Photo credit: Mike Lewinski
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It’s been a long winter. Do not despair, the vernal equinox is here! You might have heard something about the first day of spring arriving on March 20 this year, but you might be wondering, what exactly does that mean? One thing you certainly understand is that winter is abating, and the mild, warmer days of spring are just around the corner. Journey with me and discover why March 20, the vernal equinox, is the harbinger of a new, much-longed-for warmer season.

To put it simply, vernal, which just means spring, and equinox, which means equal night, is one of two 24-hour periods during the year when the hours of daylight equal, more or less, the hours of darkness. The reason I say “more or less” is because in most regions on Earth daytime on the equinox is a bit longer than 12 hours. That is because of the effects of the Earth’s atmosphere. But that’s a topic for another time.

From the first day of winter when the hours of daylight are at a minimum, the length of the day increases until the first day of spring and continues to increase until the first day of summer, when the number of daylight hours is the longest. From that first day of summer, until the autumn equinox, the daylight hours shrink, until once again daylight and nighttime hours are equal. And that is the continuous ebb and flow of the seasons through the year.

Generally, temperatures also begin to rise with the advent of spring. However, there are many factors that influence a region’s temperature; so for some locations, it can take considerably longer for the winter world to finally thaw.

Spring is a time of celebration all over the world. Many customs, holidays, and traditional practices are spring-based. Christian cultures calculate the date of Easter based on when spring is due. Easter eggs are a symbol of rebirth, but Christians are not the only group celebrating with eggs in the spring. There is an ancient Chinese tradition to balance eggs, also a symbol of fertility, on the day of the vernal equinox.

Persians celebrate Nowruz on the day of the spring equinox, a day that has been observed for over 3,000 years and rooted in the practices of the Zoroastrian tradition. Celebrations last about 12 days and include the purchase of new clothing, cleaning homes, and growing wheat or lentil seeds as a symbol of new growth.

Judaism famously celebrates the birth of the Jewish people during Passover and is also intimately connected to the spring, although the date does not necessarily coincide with the solar calendar’s spring equinox.

Although many people celebrate Earth Day on April 22, there are also some that have designated the spring equinox as the best day to promote the protection of the one planet that all the people of the world must inhabit, Earth.

Hiccup Removal – Old Tale or Truth?

We can probably all agree that hiccups are really annoying. They are frustrating to endure and sometimes difficult to get rid of. CNN recently did an enlightening review about all of those old tales you know about hiccup cures; and surprisingly found that many of the hiccup-removal myths that you might know aren’t actually myths. Many of them work. But they don’t necessarily work for the reason you might assume they do.

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As CNN explained, “There are few concrete medical cures for the hiccups, but experts know that stopping them ideally involves the diaphragm, the vagus nerve and the phrenic nerve.” And many of those “silly” methods that you grew up doing actually work with the diaphragm, the vagus nerve and the phrenic nerve. So while you might assume you’re going through the action of drinking water backwards or scaring your friend just because you hope it might work – it may actually work for a different reason than you assume.

Read the whole article and get ready for that backwards drinking, friend scaring experience!

Winter Smart: Staying Warm & Safe

It’s cold outside and we are all just looking for ways to combat the chill. The New York City Fire Department, headquartered at New York City’s Brooklyn Commons, issued some safety tips for staying cozy and cautious this winter.

FDNY at Brooklyn Commons
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Save the Space: Turn off or unplug space heaters when leaving a room. Leaving a space heater unattended increases the chances of a devastating fire. Always place a space heater at least three feet away from any combustible substance.

Shut It: When escaping a fire, closing the door can contain the flames, reduce the damage, and give more people time to get out safely. Prevent fumes, smoke, and heat from spreading to hallways and stairwells by isolating the fire behind a closed door.

FDNY at Brooklyn Commons

Be Alarmed: Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your home and office. Test them regularly to make sure they are working and replace the batteries frequently. Early detection of a fire or gas is the best way to prevent serious injury and harm.

Call 911: As soon as fire, smoke, or gas is detected, call emergency professionals. Do whatever is necessary to ensure everyone’s safety; do not try to combat the blaze yourself.

Have a Plan: Having—and practicing—a thoughtful fire escape plan ensures that everyone knows what to do in an emergency. Regular fire drills at work and home mean that everyone knows where the closest exit is and how to escape safely. Make sure that all fire exits are clear and properly marked; furniture should never block an escape route.

Keep it Clean: Regular cleaning of hot water heaters, chimneys, furnaces, and boilers is essential. Lint, dirt, and other residues can build up in these appliances and catch flame. Check the user manual or with your landlord for proper instructions on how to clean these machines.

FDNY at Brooklyn Commons

Don’t Be Burned: While thermal burns, caused by flames or hot liquids, are the most common home heat-related injury, frostbite and chemical burns are also a winter hazard. Make sure to wear proper gear when frolicking in the snow or on the ice.

Does Your Fitness Tracker Push You to do More?

While this shouldn’t come as a surprise, a fitness tracker app has been found to not only monitor your fitness level, but to cause you to work harder at your exercise. In a recent study published in the bmj, researchers found that people who used a fitness app increased their everyday activity by about 1235 steps and their moderate to vigorous activity by 48.5 minutes a week.

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This makes intuitive sense. If I walk everyday, but notice that I get to 8000 steps, I may feel internally incentivized to get to 10,000 steps. Without a step monitor, I won’t know that I’ve only gotten to 8000 and I won’t feel that pull to continue and to push myself further.

Of course, there are other ways to incentivize yourself and to reach your goals, many of which are outlined in this CNN article. But the research on fitness trackers is certainly worth exploring further.

The Best Book of the Last 125 Years?

It’s an interesting question. If you were asked to decide on the absolute best book of the last 125 years, what would you say? And would other people agree with you? Or would you be an outlier? The New York Times recently put this question out to its readership. And it’s not the biggest surprise to see which book was selected – considering that most people believe that it’s an incredibly impactful piece of literature.

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What is, perhaps, even more interesting is to take a look at the top 25 books that they compiled in order to come up with a winner. How many of these books have you read? Which did you love, and which did you not feel warranted being part of this list?

As 2022 begins, it’s a fun time to consider the books that you want to add to your reading list for the coming year. What do you hope to gain from your reading time? Do you want to join a book group to discuss these books? These are the types of interesting questions that we can all ask ourselves as we look through the New York Times list and plan the year ahead for ourselves.