Fascinating Study Links 5 Disorders

Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston has just concluded a fascinating study that could revolutionize how doctors look at autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia. In their study, they have found that these five disorders share a common genetic root.

As study leader Dr. Jordan Smoller told NBC News, “We have been able to discover specific genetic variants that seem to overlap among disorders that we think of as very clinically different.”

They found markers that were more common in people with one of these disorders than with others. They also found mutations in two genes that help to govern the balance of calcium in the brain cells.

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Scientists came to their conclusions after looking at the genetic code of more than 33,000 patients with mental disorders and 27,888 patients without these issues. It was actually the most comprehensive study on genetic links to psychiatric illness that was ever conducted.

Dr Smoller explained some of the ramifications of the study. As he said, “Significant progress has been made in understanding the genetic risk factors underlying psychiatric disorders. Our results provide new evidence that may inform a move beyond descriptive syndromes in psychiatry and towards classification based on underlying causes.”

Oscar Acceptance Speech Highlights

The Oscars, which took place on Sunday, yielded exciting results.
Ben Affleck’s ‘Argo’ won Best Picture, while Daniel Day-Lewis won Best Actor for his role in ‘Lincoln’.
The much-loved Jennifer Lawrence won Best Actress for her leading role in ‘Silver Linings Playbook’, and newcomer Ang Lee won the award for Best Director for his film “Life of Pi’.
Anne Hathaway won an award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in ‘Les Miserables’, and Christoph Waltz won Best Supporting Actor for his role in ‘Django Unchained’.

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How to Stick with Fitness Resolutions

FitnessMillions of Americans listed healthier lifestyles amongst their New Year’s resolutions. According to recent studies, the majority of these are headed for despair.

“We’ve tracked the patterns,” reveals YMCA Health and Wellness Director Sue Dissinger. “After 30 to 60 days people start to slowly decline or quit.”

The figures, which are based on several years of study, have been confirmed throughout the health and fitness worlds. People generally lose enthusiasm after about a month, despite their best intentions.

Lori Steven, a dietician with WakeMed Cary Hospital, explains the phenomenon. “We often make our goals too big, too ambitious,” she said. “We say, ‘Once the year starts, I’m going to cut all sugar out of my diet.’ That’s extreme. It’s not sustainable.”

“The main reason most people fail is because they don’t have a plan,” adds Ronnie Neal of Rex Wellness Center. They need to have specific goals, not just “I want to lose weight” or “I want to get in better shape.”
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Stevens recommends setting realistic goals, like cutting dessert out of weeknight meals. “Or, instead of saying ‘I’m going to work out every day and run a marathon in March,’ say you’ll work out five days a week and do a 5K in April, then maybe a 10K in June and a half-marathon or marathon in the fall.”

Neal adds: “Writing down your goals hardwires them a little more into your subconcious.”

Lastly, it is very important to stay patient. It can take months to see real results, but stick with it and don’t get discouraged!

What Do Your Valentine’s Day Flowers Mean?

Valentine’s Day is one of the most romantic days of the year. Giving loved ones flowers is a classic tradition and a wonderful way to express appreciation. Interestingly, different flowers have different implications, and the type you select or receive may have a special meaning. Spruce up your flower knowledge and learn what some of the top Valentine’s Day flowers really symbolize:


Probably the most popular Valentine’s Day bloom, the rose represents love, romance, perfection and beauty. It has a fairy-tale association and is also relatively expensive, making it the classic choice for this holiday.



Daisies are beautiful, representing innocence and purity. They also come in a wide range of bright, cheerful colors. These happy blooms have the ability to lighten the mood, and imply a relaxed, appreciative relationship.



Tulips are extremely classic. These affordable buds “stand for perfect love,” according to Michael Gaffney, Director of the New York School of Flower Design, and convey warmth and comfort.



Peruvian LilyPeruvian Lilies

The petals of the Peruvian Lily, or Alstroemeria, are long-lasting and extremely beautiful. They represent devotion and strong friendship. Multiple flowers bloom on each stem, making it easy to create full, luscious arrangements.


LilyCasa Blanca Lilies

Gaffney explains that these flowers represent “beauty, class and style.” He adds, “A man who creates a bouquet with these dramatic- and expensive- lilies is sophisticated and knows his partner well.”


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Embrace Life

The Super Bowl commercials are still generating buzz as people discuss which were the most controversial, the most entertaining, the most convincing, and of course, which were the biggest waste of time.

The five most popular commercials this year include the Tide ‘Stain‘ commercial, Best Buy’s customer service ad, Budweiser’s “Clydesdale: Brotherhood“, Taco Bell’s ‘Viva Young’ and Oreo’s Cookie Vs. Cream debate.

Commercials have a significant impact on a person’s attitude and opinion. They can be used to market products and services very effectively. However, some organizations have learned to direct them to a higher purpose- road safety. One of the best seat belt ads ever created is “Embrace Life” by Sussex Safer Roads. Though this commercial is not graphic or violent in any way, it manages to touch the very core of any audience.
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Rain, Families, Pets- Oh My!

winterdogShort, dark, wintery days can be a problem in a family household. Both children and adults get restless from a lack of exercise, sunlight and outdoor activities. What many people forget is that the gloomy indoors can have a significant effect on more than just the humans of the household- they can depress pets as well. In fact, many dogs exhibit ‘uncharacteristic’ anxiety and agitation during winter months.

This is generally a result of boredom and pent-up energy. Dogs and cats need to be kept stimulated in order to remain happy indoors. Making sure to keep them busy will also protect your furniture and clothes from bite marks. So, what can you do?

First, invest in some brain-stimulating chew toys, like the KONG genius toy. These will keep your dog entertained with an ongoing challenge, and satisfy his primal instincts to work for his food.

Next, have your children play indoor fetch with your pooch. Toss a tennis ball up the stairs- your dog will really burn energy and bask in the extra attention.
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Another fun family-related pet activity is setting up an obstacle course. Lure your dog under cushions, over broom handles and between pre-arranged furniture with a tasty treat.

Of course, preparing for nasty weather with waterproof gear is always a great option (as long as your pet doesn’t mind the rain). Plan a family walk through the neighborhood and offer a prize for those who splash in the most puddles!