Apparently so. Well, at least according to Coca-Cola and we know that advertising never lies so it just must be true. There is a very cute commercial going round on YouTube, promoting the beverage giant. It starts off with the quote that it wants to: “to share a little happiness with the student body.”
A Coca-Cola vending machine is installed at a campus college – nothing unusual about that. A student comes to get a coke. She puts her money in the machine and a small coke bottle emerges. She takes it. So you’re sitting there, watching this video, really wondering why they’ve put it on YouTube and what all the hype’s about. But then, seconds later, another coke comes out…followed by another…and another…and another, until she is smiling from ear to ear and handing out cans of coke to anyone who happens to be in the vicinity. The same thing happens with the next person who gets a coke. Then someone puts her hand in to retrieve her coke, but is rewarded with a bunch of flowers; the next person gets a balloon-shaped animal. Then there’s a pizza and finally, the longest sandwich you’ve ever seen, big enough to feed the whole student body! Everyone looks happy and the final quote of the movie is “Where will happiness strike next?”
It thus seems like Coca-Cola wasn’t lying and that happiness really can be delivered in a truck!