A number of years ago, we were all thrown into the decluttering frenzy with Marie Kondo and her desire to help us to “spark joy.” This is a lovely idea, in theory, but many people need more specific guidelines to know what to throw out and what to keep. Here are some systematic and practical steps that should really help with this process.

- What truly matters to you? These values can guide your decisions about what to keep and what to let go. For example, if tradition is important, you might hold onto a cherished family heirloom, while a random purchase might be easier to part with.
- What are your goals for your space? Are you decluttering to create a more functional workspace or a cozy kitchen for baking with loved ones? These goals can keep you motivated and focused. When sorting through items, consider whether they align with your values and long-term aspirations. Instead of asking if an item sparks joy, think about whether it serves a purpose or holds deeper significance.
- How small can you start? Tackle a single drawer or shelf to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Use a system of sorting items into “keep,” “donate,” and “toss” piles. Remember, decluttering is not about perfection but about creating a space that reflects your values and supports your well-being. By approaching decluttering with intention and clarity, you can transform your home—and your mindset—one step at a time.
Start small and set aside a specific time each day (or each week) to tackle your next task. You’ll be surprised by how quickly the space can transform with consistency and vision.