Cape Cod’s beaches have become a beaching ground for more than one hundred common dolphins, 84 of which have died.
For the past twelve years, an average of 37 dolphins are stranded on the beach on an annual basis. Scientists are baffled with the sudden spike this year, and are looking into various explanations including geography, weather changes and prey behavior. According to the International Fund for Animal Welfare’s Mike Booth, numerous dolphins are lurking right off the Cape, and more beachings are likely. This time of year is generally known as a “high season” for dolphin stranding in the area, but the unusual numbers are a mystery.
In the meantime, more than 300 volunteers and staff have been working to aid the stranded dolphins, and are campaigning for federal funding for the project.
B. Sharp, stranding coordinator for IFAW, said “This might be the largest dolphin stranding geographically speaking that we’ve had.”