LiquiGlide: New Finger-Licking Good Invention to Get to the Last Drop

Those of us who love ketchup can now sleep easier at night. That’s because an MIT University team just came up with a new bottle design called LiquiGlide. It’s a “super-slippery” coating that goes on the inside of the bottle to ensure that almost any substance will slide out with ease.

The device took two months to design by the MIT PhD candidate Dave Smith and his team of mechanical engineers and nano-technoogists at the Varanasi Research Group.

Smith explained how they came up with their idea. As he said, “We were really interested in – and still are – using this coating for anti-icing, or for preventing clogs that form in oil and gas lines, or for non-wetting applications like, say, on windshields.  Somehow this sparked the idea of putting it in food bottles – it could be great just for its slippery properties.

He went on to explain, “Plus, most of these other applications have a much longer time to market – we realized we could make this coating for bottles that is pretty much ready. I mean, it is ready, as you can see. We had a limited amount of materials to pick from – I can’t say what they are, but we’ve patented the hell out of it.”

Smith is no novice to patents – he already holds nine of them. When asked why they decided to focus on bottles, rather than some other substance, Smith explained, “You tell them the market for bottles – just the sauces alone is a $17billion market. And if all those bottles had our coating, we estimate that we could save about one million tons of food from being thrown out every year.”

The team promises that its non-toxic coating with become FDA approved and that it is completely safe for users.

Now that sounds finger-licking good!


James Fishman has been involved in the world of online magazines for more than 15 years. He helped launch Sunstone Online and continues to improve the magazine as site editor and administrator. His writing focuses primarily business and technology. To be in touch with James, feel free to contact him at james[at]

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