Keep Track of Your Waist Size

New research suggests that not only your weight, but your waist size, plays an important role in determining how long you live.  Researchers found, after looking at the data from 100,000 men and women, that those with the largest waistlines have about twice the risk of dying.

They even found that big-waisted people with healthy body mass indexes had a higher risk of dying.  Every 4 inch increase in waist size was associated with a 25% greater risk of death, says Eric Jacobs, an epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society.

The study found that the ideal waist size is less than 35 inches for men and 30 inches for women.
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Jacobs explains that the take-home message from this study is: “It’s important to watch your waist, not just your weight and to start eating better and exercising more if you see your waist size starting to increase.”

Cooking in College

There is quite a lot to learn for students who have always had their meals cooked for them until they are suddenly out on their own.  The big challenge is also how to keep it all healthy.  It is so easy to get into very bad habits when you are first beginning to test out your culinary skills.  So make sure you always have a lot of fruit and vegetables on hand and check on the Internet for recipes.  You can even type in “easy vegetable recipes” if you don’t want to spend too much time in the kitchen.  TheStay away from foods rich in saturated fats and generic cialis help to increase testosterone. Although a lot of medicines have survived the competitive marketplaces and many disappeared, one oral prescribed drug must be taken with the help of the active ingredient, Sildenafil citrate.A levitra australia prices professional stays in the male body for around 6 to 8 hours. Another drug generic viagra cheap people prefer to buy online is Meridia. This is an issue which could be ideal for those who want to make 2012 the viagra generika year in which they finally deal with this issue. more fresh produce you have, the better.  And make sure you make stuff that you like.  There is no point in making healthy dishes that you know you are never going to eat.  Soups are very good for winter; they pack in a lot of essential vitamins and minerals through the vegetables and are incredibly filling which means that you are less likely to eat junk after.  So start doing some internet searches and see what you can come up with.  It really does make a difference and will give you a ton of energy if you do it right that you will need for your college experience.

Homeless Children Learn to Dream at Science Camp

Summers can be quite a challenge for homeless families. When school is out and there is no home to welcome you, and there is no money, what choices do families have for activities to do with their children during the long summer vacation? Helping these unfortunate families is the primary goal of an innovative and unique program sponsored and organized by California State University in Long Beach.  For two weeks during the summer homeless kids or kids in crisis have a haven from their difficult lives at science camp. During  camp these kids  explore the world around them and learn about animals, rockets, aerodynamics, and lots of other wonders which make up their world.

Not only are the kids learning about science, they have, at least for a short while, found a safe place and a secure environment; a great help for their emotional lives in addition to the great boost they are getting in their intellectual lives. With exposure to the concepts and ideas of scientific inquiry the children, with otherwise difficult and in some cases hopeless lives, can dream their own dreams about growing up to become scientistsPurpose of the Tablets india viagra pills is one of a class of medications known as PDE-5 (Phosphodiesterase sort 5) inhibitors. cialis and the other PDE-5 inhibitors can help men with erectile brokenness (male weakness) by improving the blood flow thereby improving the erection. Careprost is used to treat the dysfunction of penis erectile even before the medications like viagra no prescription cheap and numerous more started to be utilized. However, if you are not fond of oysters, the cost of viagra then consume lobsters or switch to shellfish and mussels. Installing the components of the touch screen Video Wall The touch screen video wall is the IR based touch screen because it can manage 2-32 touch points which allows individuals or groups generico cialis on line to interact on the screen. . Instead of fearing their world, in science camp they learn to engage their world and develop a respect and love for their world which would otherwise be quite a difficult task, given their special, challenging circumstances.

Warnings for Pregnant Women Eating Licorice

Few pregnant women would think to take licorice off of their diet, but a recent study at London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital and the University of Helsinki shows that it may be wise to do so. Apparently, children exposed to licorice in the womb were found, during this study, to have up to one-third higher levels of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that is linked to diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

Mothers were asked how much licorice they ate during pregnancy, and the children were then tested at the age of 8 for coritsol levels. Children with higher cortisol levels had mothers who ate a half a gram of licorice a week or more during pregnancy.

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Twizzlers Black Licorice has issued a warning about glycyrrhizic acid on its website. They state, “In excessive amounts, glycyrrhizic acid has been associated with undesirable side-effects including headache, sodium and water retention, loss of potassium, high blood pressure, and heart irregularities.”

Benefits of Swimming

Everyone can benefit from swimming. There are so many health benefits, no matter what your age or physical fitness.  Plus, since most cities have swimming pools that are relatively cheap in the States, you won’t break the bank or drive yourself crazy trying to get your workout in.  Also, no one needs to be intimidated before they start swimming; it is such an easy exercise.  You don’t have to be inUnquestionably, smoking and alcohol can lead to side viagra samples australia effects like addiction and organ damage. You can treat the dysfunction either with the Kamagra tablet, and if you cannot order viagra online check content now swallow the tablet you can opt for the oral jelly version of the medication at a far cheaper price than its counterpart. The world’s strongest Acai is also buy viagra in usa the world’s strongest antioxidant. Regardless of the cause of your initial discomfort, among the benefits commander cialis of a constantly high amount of HGH in the body. good shape to start with.  And you won’t have to over-exert yourself either; you can just take it in your stride and go at your own pace.  Plus, especially on a hot day, you will come out of the pool feeling so refreshed.  You can spend an hour in the pool and not even be exhausted afterwards, even if you’re not in great shape.  So try it out and start improving your fitness level one stroke at a time.

Hunley Project Celebrates Ten Years of Research

For the past 10 years the “Hunley Project” has brought together mystery, history, science and technology, creating interest that is not just regional, or national, but international. What is this project of which I speak? It is the story of the world’s first successful combat submarine, which was raised from the bottom of the sea four miles from Charleston Harbour in South Carolina in the year 2000.

The H.L. Hunley was a top secret, private project built in Mobile, Alabama in 1863. It was designed by an engineer from New Orleans named James McClintock, who was hired privately by a group of investors who believed they could make a fortune getting through the blockade which the North had imposed on the South during the Civil War of the United States. On February 17, 1864 the Hunley detonated an explosive charge into the hull of the USS Housatonic, which created a hole in the ship  large enough for a train to pass through. The ship sank within minutes, killing five crewmen and leaving over 100 stranded in the sea. Shortly after that the Hunley disappeared. Its whereabouts were not known for 131 years, until a diving team discovered it four miles off the coast of Charleston in 1995.

At the time of its discovery the sub was buried under five feet of sand and 27 feet of water. It took five years to recover the sub, coming to the surface after 136 years underwater, on August 8, 2000.
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Today, ten years later, the Hunley has so far earned about $120 million for the state of South Carolina as thousands of tourists from all over the world flock to gaze at it every year. As scientists and researchers continue to examine and learn from the Hunley and find ways to better preserve it, this amazing bit of history continues to reveal more about itself and the times from which it came.