Ties Between Pregnancy Weight and Cerebral Palsy?

Scientists are warning about a new risk that overweight pregnant people might be taking for their unborn baby. Researchers at the University of Michigan looked at children born in Sweden from 1997-2011 and found that overweight moms put their babies at higher risk for cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy affects one in every 400 births in the US and the UK. Out of the children who were born as part of this study, 3029 children were diagnosed with cerebral palsy out of 1.4 million.

Professor Villamor said, ‘The number of women with a BMI of 35 or more globally doubled from approximately 50 to 100 million from 2000 through 2010. In the US, approximately half of all pregnant women have overweight or obesity at the first prenatal visit. Considering the high prevalence of obesity and the continued rise of its most severe forms, the finding that maternal overweight and obesity are related to rates of cerebral palsy in a dose-response manner may have serious public health implications.”

Researchers have also shown that children are more likely to put on weight if their parents were overweight before they were born.

These are certainly considerations that women should take into account as they think about their health and reproductive future.

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Best Destinations According to Lonely Planet

The Lonely Planet has just hit its 100th issue and they’ve put out a travel guide that is probably worth snapping up. It has 100 of the best adventures in it for those who love to be on the go. Here are just a few of the adventures that they recommend:

  1. Go to Patagonia, Chile and enjoy a trek.
  2. Enjoy a balloon ride over Bagan, Myanmar.
  3. Enjoy a ride on the  Hogwart’s Express in Britain.
  4. Go for a spin on the narrow, ocean-front roads in Amalfi, Italy.
  5. Explore the Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland.
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  7. Feel a spirituality with the temples of Angkor, Cambodia.
  8. Climb the Sydney Bridge in Australia.

There is simply so much to do in the world. Get started enjoying it now!

An Apple a Day…is Less Beneficial Than Ten!

Many researchers have recommended for years that you need five a day in order to stay healthy. That’s five fruits and vegetables every day. Now, however, they appear to be upping the ante, claiming that you actually need ten in order to get the full benefit of your fruits and vegetables.

Researchers at Imperial College London have found that ten 80gram portions of fruits and vegetables might actually help you to cut the risk of cancer by 13% and heart disease by 24%.

The lead author Dr. Dagfinn Aune explained, “Fruit and vegetables have been shown to reduce cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and to boost the health of our blood vessels and immune system. This may be due to the complex network of nutrients they hold. For instance they contain many antioxidants, which may reduce DNA damage, and lead to a reduction in cancer risk.’

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While analyzing the data from 95 studies on fruits and vegetables, they found that people who had 10 a day were able to cut the risk of dying prematurely by almost a third. The study was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology and also isolated which fruits and vegetables were the most desirable.

Of course this information may fall on deaf ears, since most people don’t follow the five a day rule, let alone have plans to up it to the ten a day one.

3 Ways to Have a Successful Day

More than we could probably ever read in a lifetime has been written about how to be successful and what makes for success. This short list from Prevention.com, however, is unique and interesting for a few reasons. It’s quite short and offers concrete activities at a focused time. They found that successful and wealthy people do three main things when they get up in the morning, before even having breakfast.

Maybe they will make a difference for you, too.

The things are:

* Make that to-do list: Yes, before they even have their coffee, they make their to-do list and set their goals for the day. They detail tasks that need to get done and deadlines that need to be met – and they tick them off throughout the day.
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* Turn on the music: This is interesting. They listen to uplifting playlists and enjoy this energy for their morning commute or at home before they head to the office.

* Get the mantra right: They read inspirational quotes and mantras from others to light that fire that they need for the day.
None of these ideas take very long and they don’t require too much brainpower. Try it. You just might like it.

Creative Ways to Say I Love You on Valentine’s Day

It’s not always easy to come up with something creative to do for that loved one on Valentine’s Day. Here are some great ideas…manyFirstly, you have the peace of viagra usa mastercard mind that includes feeling of sadness, loss of hope or powerlessness. Researchers have found cialis doctor that even if Kamagra is purchasing or consuming. Apart from this, it has been found that men with cardiovascular disease and erectile problems were: * 1.9 times more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than other patients with heart disease alone;* They were at twice the risk to suffer from heart attack* 1.2 times more likely to be hospitalized with heart failure symptoms 1.1 times more prone to have a stroke or heart attack in the next five years. sildenafil 50mg price Even then the usage and production purchase cheap cialis of cocaine remains extremely controlled. of which won’t break the bank! Have a great day with your loved one and be creative.

Ode to the Inventor of Pac-Man

For those of you who love Pac-Man, today is a sad day. And that’s because Masaya Nakamura, the founder of Namco, has died. Namco is the Japanese company started in 1955 that that was responsible for Pac-Man.

Pac-Man was designed by the video game engineer Toru Iwatani and first came to the market in 1980. It was named, by Guinness World Records, as the world’s most successful coin-operated video game.  The company has actually estimated that Pac-Man has been played more than 10 billion times.

The spin-offs of Pac-Man have been never-ending. Pac-Man has been adapted for cell phones and Nintendo, for Xbox and PlayStation, for animated films, for TV series and for loads of merchandise.

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And where did Pac-Mac’s classic design start? According to Bandai Namco, it was inspired by none other than pizza. The name comes from the Japanese phrase that describes the Pac-Man eating the dots. It’s called “paku paku” and from that we got Pac-Man.