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A Cure for Seasickness?

cruise-114152_640Do you feel queasy and sick when you are on a boat? Obviously, you can simply avoid going boating, going on cruises, and looking for whales. But if you still want to be able to enjoy these activities, then an answer may be on the way for you. Scientists at Imperial College London are developing a device that offers a mild electric shock to the scalp to get rid of the feeling of nausea. Believe it or not, their device will plug into a mobile phone and deliver a short shock to the head with electrodes.

They are hoping that the device will be sold to the public in pharmacies within the next five to ten years. As lead researcher Dr. Qadeer Arshad said, “We are confident that within five to 10 years people will be able to walk into the chemist and buy an anti-seasickness device. It may be something like a TENS [transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation] machine that is used for back pain. We hope it might even integrate with a mobile phone, which would be able to deliver the small amount of electricity required via the headphone jack.

In the study that they’ve done, volunteers wore the electrodes for about ten minutes on their heads. They did so while sitting in a chair that simulates the feeling of the sea.

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As Co-author Professor Michael Gresty said, “The problem with treatments for motion sickness is that the effective ones are usually tablets that also make people drowsy. That’s all very well if you are on a short journey or a passenger, but what about if you work on a cruise ship and need to deal with motion sickness whilst continuing to work?
The scientists say that they have gotten a lot of interest from many avenues including the military. As Dr Arshad said, “From other studies we also have evidence that stimulating the brain in this way can enhance attention and concentration. This aspect is of great interest to the military and we imagine that other groups such as students and people who spend long periods playing computer games will also want to try it out.”


Drip-Proof Ice Cream? Maybe So

ice-cream-770994_640We all know the feeling. We buy a delicious ice cream cone, and before we can even take three bites, it’s dripping down our arms. What is an ice cream lover to do? Now, thanks to researchers at the Universities of Edinburgh and Dundee, we might have an answer to that question. They have found a naturally occurring protein that can be used for ice cream that makes it more resistant to melting. It has a smooth consistency as a result of the air, fat and water that bind together and stays frozen longer.

The protein is called Bs1A and it clings to fat droplets and air bubbles. Project lead Professor Cait MacPhee of the University of Edinburgh’s School of Physics and Astronomy said, “We’re excited by the potential this new ingredient has for improving ice cream, both for consumers and for manufacturers.”

It’s also possible that this protein will allow for the creation of ice cream and other frozen items that are lower in saturated fat. As McPhee told the BBC, “By using this protein we’re replacing some of the fat molecules that are currently used to stabilize these oil and water mixtures.”

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It’s also possible that it will lower costs for storage, as warehouses and ice cream delivery trucks won’t have to be kept as cold.

For those of you salivating with the thought – you may need to keep your expectations in check for a bit. They don’t expect the ice cream to be ready for the market for another three to five years.

Dreamland Awaits…Getting Your Kids to Sleep Right

princess-869722_640As if we don’t have enough things to worry about as parents – now it’s time to think about the bedtime stories you tell. Holiday camp company Butlin’s took the time to research into the most ideal bedtime stories including the length of the story and the content. And here are their important findings.

Parents spend approximately one week a year, when you add up all the minutes, trying to get their kids to go to sleep. With this frustration in mind, the company found that the best bedtime story lasts for eight minutes and 36 seconds and has traditional elements to it like a castle, a hero and a magic wand.

12% of parents surveyed said that they thought bedtime was the most stressful time of the day. The study surveyed 2000 parents and children to find out why bedtime is so stressful and to find the perfect answer to this stress.

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The 1000 children who were surveyed were asked what they most liked about bedtime story time and most chose magical and traditional elements like castles, princesses and dragons. They liked horses the most as the way to get around in a story (21%) agreed, while 14% preferred the flying car. Most kids wanted stories about friendship rather than romance (no surprise there).

Storytelling expert, Alexandra Charalambous, weighed in by explaining, “As your child prepares to go back to school after the holidays, it’s a good idea to establish a steady bedtime routine that includes reading a story. As the research shows, the familiarity of a classic tale draws children in and the happy ending makes for a pleasant night’s sleep. Story boxes are a great way to tell a story. Story boxes can be a shoe box placed on its side and decorated as a setting e.g, the woods or a seaside scene. You can use finger puppets or characters stuck on lolly sticks for your characters. This allows you much more freedom to take the story in whichever direction you wish.”

Quick and Healthy School Lunch Ideas

School is back in session and it’s time to think about school lunches again. It’s not always easy coming up with quick, and yet healthy, ways to keep the kidsElderly aimhousepatong.com free prescription viagra males looking for fun in their love-life can get Kamagra in different flavors for ex banana, strawberry, orange, apple, vanilla, mint etc. Prescription related to the methods to take generic free levitra sample and schedule of taking this pill must be accessed when feelings are elevated to get into response. Does the medicine sildenafil sales work immediately after consumption? No, you need to give some time to the drug components. Another reason is discount cialis see for source obese men have low testosterone, suffering from the most common symptoms of loss of sexual desire in men naturally and securely. fed during the school day. Here is a great video with some suggestions that should help you get started for the year ahead.