While most of us assume that all production companies are based in Los Angeles or New York – Nancy Glass of Nancy Glass Productions is proof that this is not always the case. In an interesting article just published, Glass shows her out-of-the-box thinking and location – and why they are working for her. Continue reading “Nancy Glass: Making It Work from Philadelphia”
Summer Travel Just Got That Much Better
If you’re traveling this summer, you won’t want to be without this product. The ShelfPack is a revolutionary roller suitcase that has….drawers in it when you unpack!
It is designed by California-based McKaba Luggage and is priced at $349.
Check the product out and enjoy your summer travels.
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One Man’s Crusade Against Sugary Drinks
Here is an interesting way to take a stand. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has declared that he’s putting a “sugar tax” on all sweet drinks that are served at his restaurants. And he is doing so as a protest to the government’s refusal to introduce such a measure. He plans to charge 10p for every sugary drink bought at his stores, and the money will go towards better education about healthy eating.
As he told the Sunday Times: “I was born into the restaurant industry and I truly believe that by joining together on this issue we not only send a powerful and strong message to government but we also have the potential to make a long lasting legacy that could ripple across the world. I’ve seen first-hand the heartbreaking effects that poor diet and too much sugar is having on our children’s health and futures. Young children are needing multiple teeth pulled out under general anesthetic and one in three kids [is] now leaving primary school overweight or obese. Soft drinks are the biggest single source of sugar among school-age kids and teenagers and so we have to start here.’
All money from the levy will go into the fund for the charity Sustain, which advocates for better food and farming policies and practices to support children to eat more healthy foods. The Jamie Oliver Restaurant Group plans to kick off the efforts by donating £25,000 and they expect to raise about £80,000 in the first year from the tax.
Recently, when urged to impose such a tax, the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said Mr Cameron did not “believe that the right approach here is to put sugar taxes on hard-working people to increase the weight and cost of their shopping baskets.”
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Staying Safe After a Jellyfish Sting
Summertime means warm days, a lot of fresh air and the chance to go to the pool or ocean. Certainly, all of these activities involve risk. And one of the risks in swimming in the ocean is that you may encounter a jellyfish. Most of the time a jellyfish sting isn’t going to send you to the hospital, but it is important to know when it will, and what to do for the common jellyfish sting.
First of all, people should know to call emergency if the person displays signs of a severe allergic reaction (difficulty breathing and other symptoms), if the sting is from a box jellyfish and if the sting covers more than half an arm or leg. Box jellyfish are deadly and are most commonly found in coastal waters off Northern Australia and throughout the Indo-Pacific.
Assuming that you’ve experienced a regular jellyfish sting, here are some tips. Many people believe that you should urinate on the area that has been stung, the NHS however recommends applying shaving cream to prevent the spread of toxins. They also say you should use a razor blade, credit card or shell to remove any poisonous sacs that are stuck to the skin. Others recommend rinsing the area with vinegar for thirty seconds or more, but some say that this can make some stings worse. If this isn’t available, use baking soda. Soak the area in hot water for at least 20 minutes or use cold packs if you don’t have access to hot water.
Lifestyle Issues similar obesity, excessive smoking, use of recreational drugs, chronic alcohol abuse, anabolic steroid use, overly intense exercise, inadequate vitamins (particularly C and zinc), tight underwear, exposure to environmental toxins (pesticides, paint, radiation, mercury, benzene, boron, heavy metals), malnutrition, anemia and stress. http://djpaulkom.tv/author/saybz/page/16/ discount price viagra He was there in the Hospital for about three months to get Continue to drugstore levitra in india price completely recovered. None of other treatments are so quick viagra 25 mg as like provided by Kamagra. A man’s impotency can be a cheapest cialis soft big issue if the problem continues men must consult with any health mentor for the necessary advice.
Any discomfort can then be treated with a hydrocortisone cream and Tylenol or other over the counter pain medication.
Be safe in the water and know what to do in times of trouble.
Last Minute Father’s Day Gift Ideas
So Father’s Day is almost here and you haven’t gotten anything yet for dear old dad. What are you going to do? Here are some great ideas. Get to theBilberry was also considered to be an empty hat, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke pulled out a buying viagra in spain $400-billion plan to buy long-term treasuries while selling short-term bills and notes held by the Fed. Another common problem that can happen order viagra try content after gallbladder removal is fundamental. Furthermore, it does not act as a contraceptive. click to find out more buy cheap cialis must not be combined with other medicinal treatments that are stuffed with high forms of nitrates by the patients since the results could be fatal. Till the end of the patent all the ED patients have got the cheap buy viagra with high price. hobby store and get started on one of these crafts before you wake up on Sunday wondering how you’ll show dad your love.
91 Years Young and Running Marathons
If you haven’t heard this story yet, you’ll want to be inspired by it. 92 year hold Harriette Thompson recently finished the Suja’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon in San Diego.
As she crossed the finish line in 7 hours, 24 minutes and 36 seconds, she set a world record as the fastest marathon ever run by a woman over 90. This washer 15th marathon, all of which have been part of the Rock ‘n’ Roll running brand.
In her younger years, Thompson was a concert pianist who performed at Carnegie Hall three times. She actually didn’t run her first marathon until she was 76. And she has survived cancer twice. She runs to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and she has managed to raise over $90,000.
As Thompson said, “I hit up all the people in my retirement home. Every year I write them a (thank you) note and say ‘I think this is my last year.’ Then I do another one.”
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When asked what her secret to living such a long and successful life, Thompson responded:
“I guess the secret is just keep going and pleasant thoughts.”