Stress-Busters and Warning Signs

We all feel stress at certain times in our lives, of course. The question is if your level of stress is normal, or if it has seeped into anxiety or depression. Typically, if stress resolves after a triggering situation and you can go back to functioning at your regular level, then the stress is probably normal. If, however, the worry permeates beyond the stressor and infringes upon your ability to function, you may be experiencing anxiety. And if the worry turns to sadness that you can’t seem to life, then you might be experiencing depression.

Certainly, if you feel that you are at the point of having debilitating anxiety or depression, it might be time to seek help. You can ask your health care provider for the name of a psychologist or therapist who might begin to assist you. You can also ask friends and relatives for suggestions of anyone with whom they might have worked for their recommendations.

While seeing help, you may also want to try some stress-relieving techniques. This could include mindful meditation, aerobic exercise, breathing techniques and more. You can find many stress relieving techniques online, most of which have the goal of turning off your mind and having you focus in the here and now.

Recognizing that these are stressful times and that many people are having trouble can also be helpful. Reach out to others and share your concerns and worries. You may think you’re alone, or you’re the only one who feels as you do; but you may be surprised to realize just how many other people share your worries and concerns.


James Fishman has been involved in the world of online magazines for more than 15 years. He helped launch Sunstone Online and continues to improve the magazine as site editor and administrator. His writing focuses primarily business and technology. To be in touch with James, feel free to contact him at james[at]

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