Study Confirms Health Benefits of Eco-Atkins

In yet another study designed to find out what it is about the food that we eat that is killing us, it seems to be indicated that “diets low in carbohydrates but heavy on meat” may be making us sick.  Apparently, according to the comparison of two long –term studies, it is much healthier to populate your low-carb diet with plant-based proteins rather than red meat.

The first study followed about 85,000 women for 26 years, from 1980 until 2006. The second study examined the outcome of the diets of about 44,500 men for the 20 years from 1986 until 2006. The researchers looked carefully at the health results the two types of low-carb diets produced in their practitioners. The results were striking.

Men and women on the plant-based protein low carb diet showed a marked reduction in overall death rate, and a pronounced diminishing in the death rates from cancer and cardiovascular disease. Often a low-carb/high-protein diet is referred to as an “Atkins Diet” after the developer of this way of eating. Those on traditional Atkins diets, which incorporates a lot of meat foods such as sausages, bacon, steaks and the like, showed a 23% increased risk of death overall, with a 14% increase in dying from heart disease and a 28% increase in the chances of dying from cancer.

Those who got their protein from plant sources, known as the ‘Eco-Atkins’ diet, showed a lower rate of overall death by 20%, and 23% lower death rate from cardiovascular disease.

The conclusions to draw seem clear. A low carb diet is only beneficial to one’s health if the source of all the protein and fat in one’s diet is not meat, but is instead things like avocados, peanut butter, soy, legumes, and nuts. Just eating fewer carbohydrates is not enough. The source of protein is crucial, as this study has shown.


Rachel Forsythe has a B.A. in English Literature and worked as an editor for a local weekly news magazine. She is now a stay-at-home mom, raising three younger boys and two older daughters. Her favorite activities are hiking, reading, traveling, bike riding, skiing in the winter and surfing in the summer. She also loves to cook. Be in touch with Rachel at Rachel[at]

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