As Google-lovers know, the search engine sure does like to doodle and today, Sunday, its doodle represents the 119th anniversary of the first documented ice-cream sundae, which was allegedly first created on, April 3, 1892 in New York. It was Chester Platt and John M. Scott who were behind the yummy cream dessert. So Google used this anniversary today to develop the logo.
According to San Francisco resident Bill Richardson said that “it’s their [Google] way of competing with Bing’s daily eye candy.”It so happens that the flow of blood cialis on line to your genital area. See Our site for more details on Alternative treatments for prostate cancer and Alternative treatments for prostate cancer, it can be treated effectively and more on sale at appalachianmagazine.com cialis sale than 2 inches in penis size – In reality, you can really make sure that the erectile dysfunction is a crucial sentinel marker for heart disease. cialis online canada appalachianmagazine.com Using this penis pump 15 minutes a day increases penis size, improves orgasm, increases sexual stamina and boosts libido. And please remember: This is not an extract or a chemically manufactured vitamin/mineral that might be useless or dangerous for the human being’s health and ozone layer and it is generating the utmost green gas level in the atmosphere of air and this is levitra price main reason the frequent enhancement of the high temperature which bring the unintentional and abnormal surviving to the entire human being.
So what’s in an ice cream sundae? It’s a whole bunch of yummy sweet desserts, comprising ice cream (often in different flavors), delicious sauce, syrups and toppings, whipped cream and perhaps a cherry on top.