Drink Up & Enjoy Your Coffee Say Researchers

Doctors are finding that there may, indeed, be a benefit to getting your buzz on. Researchers are now suggesting that two cups of coffee a day can help cut the odds of cardiac arrest. The research was conducted by Dr. Murray Mittleman of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston and his team.

They took the results of five other students that involved a total of 150,000 people to show that people who drank one or two cups of coffee a day were 11% less likely to develop heart failure than were those who had no coffee in their diet.

Interestingly enough, their research showed that those who had already survived heart attacks had as much benefit from drinking the coffee as did those with healthy hearts.

Heart attack survivors gained as much benefit as those with healthy hearts.

But drinking five or more mugs a day appeared to be bad for the heart, the journal Circulation Heart Failure reports.

As Dr. Murray Mittleman explained,

“As with so many things, moderation appears to be the key here too.”

The researchers do not, yet, have a handle on why these results are true, but they do have some theories. They believe that coffee helps to reduce the chance of getting high blood pressure and of diabetes – both of which increase the chance of heart failure

Dr. Mittleman explains, “It stands to reason that reducing one’s odds of developing either one of them, in turn, reduces one’s chance of heart failure.”

It looks like drinking up, a bit at least, is good for the heart!