Live Longer with Gratitude

We all know that it’s important to be grateful. But what does that actually mean? And how does one show gratitude?

Interesting, gratitude is important for more reasons that one might expect – including for your actual physical health and longevity. A recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry has shown that people who experience higher levels of gratitude have a lower risk of dying from any cause, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

The study analyzed data from the Nurses’ Health Study, which included nearly 50,000 women aged 69 to 96. Participants completed a gratitude questionnaire, and the researchers found that those with the highest levels of gratitude had a 9% lower risk of death compared to those with the lowest levels of gratitude. This finding highlights the significant role that gratitude can play in promoting health and longevity.

Dr. Tyler VanderWeele, the senior author of the study, emphasized the power of gratitude in enhancing happiness, reducing depressive symptoms, and improving overall health. The study also noted that women who reported higher gratitude levels were more likely to be slightly younger, have a partner, participate in social or religious groups, and have better overall health.

With all of this said, it’s not always easy to know how to show gratitude. A few ideas include keeping a gratitude journal, writing letters or notes of thanks to people when they do something positive for you, and being specific with people to express your thanks.

Meditations for Body & Soul

The sun is shining, the kids are frolicking in the playground, and the ice cream truck jingles are playing in the streets. Getting outside is attractive in the summer months, and doing so is beneficial to your health, mind, and overall wellbeing. While outdoors, there are many meditations that can be practiced to further benefit the body and soul. Whether you are prepping for a demanding day ahead at the office or unwinding after a tiresome outing with the family, these meditations can help you pause, reframe, and focus in a myriad of ways.

Exercising Gratitude

A gratitude meditation can be done in any setting, even while you are in active motion. Focus on things in your life for you which are grateful, and actively think about the feeling of thanks. If you’re exercising and running laps, think about one item or person you appreciate during the first round, and shift to another thing you are grateful for during the next one.

Using Your Imagination

Visualization is a meditation where you use your imagination to transport yourself to a different environment. If you’re taking a walk in the city, while you turn the block with cars honking and lights flashing, visualize a scene that you associate with relaxation and calm. If your tranquility zone is a secluded forest, listen to the birds in the trees and feel the breeze in your hair. As you continue walking, be sure to concentrate on feeling at peace while honing in on the physical effects that has on your body.

Activating the Sense of Smell

We are surrounded by nature’s perfumes. Seat yourself in a grassy park or flowery garden to perform this smelling meditation. Inhale through your nose, taking in those surrounding scents, then hold your breath for a couple seconds and exhale. For the next breath, inhale while counting to four, hold your breath and count to two, then exhale as you count to four. Repeat as desired.

Utilizing Your Words

This breathing meditation can be practiced while in motion, making it very practical. As you inhale through your nose, concentrate on one word that positively describes your feeling at the moment. For example, “content” or “rejuvenated.” During the exhale, focus on pushing out any feelings that may be detrimental to the positive one. For example, feelings of disappointment or stress. Repeat as many times as you’d like.

Keeping these meditation tools in mind as we drift through summer can help keep things feeling more manageable. As with most new endeavors, it’s simply a matter of getting into the grind and using the methods at your disposal. Once you do, you are sure to enjoy the new sense of calm and focus.