The New “Hunger Games” Trailer

Twilight fans aren’t the only book-lovers excited for the release of a much loved story onto the big screen. In fact, the first film of the “Hunger Games” trilogy is coming to theaters soon, and a recent trailer has sent fans into an online frenzy.

Based on the books by Suzanne Collins, the film features Jennifer Lawrence as the strong but vulnerable Katniss Everdeen, and Josh Hutcherson as her accomplice Peeta Mellark.

In the futuristic novel, the planet is ruled by the Capitol, and most districts are impoverished nations. Every year, teenagers are put in a gladiator-like battle called the Hunger Games, in order to discourage any thoughts of rebellion. Only one child survives the fight.

The heroine, Katniss, must work to save her sister, who was chosen for this year’s event, with the help of some friends and a drunken,  one-time winner of the Hunger Games.

For the newest trailer, click here.