Christmas Cheer for “Boring” Residents

Santa Claus is Coming to Town…

Soon it will be Christmas, and already the Christmas season is pretty much here.  Well, at least it will be once all the Thanksgiving fuss has died down.  Santa is hard at work and his helpers are getting in on the act as well.  And everyone is trying to remember the people in need.  And that is exactly what the Christmas Basket and Giving Tree programs are engaging in. 

Every year prior to Christmas, thanks to the generosity of local businesses and individuals, these packages are put together for the needy in the communities of Boring and Damascus.  As well, money is given so that additional food can be purchased to ensure a really delicious, nutritious meal can be put on the Christmas table and thereafter.

A Community Affair

All different segments of the community are getting involved in this worthy, charitable event.  Students are donating canned foods (in 2010, 22,000 cans were collected at the school food drives) and there is even a competition as to which class donates the most cans.  They are also donating gifts that can be put under the trees which are being sent to these families as part of the package.

Semester Break Ideas

So you have gotten through a whole first semester at college.  Everyone is in the party mood and you want to do something special too.  It’s a great time so make the most of it. Don’t just spend your whole break partying; take the time to tour some sites.  Being around Oregon is probably entirely different from your home town and anyone who lives in the area just raves about it.  So take the time to peruse the area.  Indeed, the state of Oregon boasts over 360 miles of public coastline that comprises a whole slew of different terrain ranging from green forests to rugged cliffs and boundless sandy beaches.  If you are in the north, check out Astoria, but if it’s the south you want to head to, make your way to Brookings.  There are attractions here that are unimagined and unparalleled like towns with a difference that will serve you amazing seafood, lighthouses with a historic turn, amazing views, dramatic scenery and recreational options covering all tastes.  So make the most of your time here; whatever you enjoy doing you will find it in Oregon.

Get Back to Nature at Multnomah Falls

Sometimes it’s really great to take a break and get back to nature.  When living in Portland, Oregon, you’re in a prime spot as there are so many places to visit.  One such spot is Multnomah Falls, which is a stunning waterfall situated on the Oregon side of the Columbia River Gorge.  This can be found amidst Corbett and Dodson, east of Troutdale.  It is a most impressive waterfall, dropping in two steps and split into upper falls of 165 m and lower falls of 21 m.  The waterfall’s total height is 189 m, making it Oregon’s tallest waterfall.  For anyone who loves beautiful scenery, this is a must-see, given that it really has some of the area’s most  beautiful views and also leads on to many impressive wilderness areas and recreational places including Bonneville Dam and Cascade Locks.  Even en route to Multnomah Falls it is something spectacular, since getting there requires one travel along beautiful, scenic highways.