Keeping Parents in the Know

In as tempting as it may be to completely move away from your parents – both geographically and emotionally – the time you spend at college can often be very hard for them. While they probably won’t say anything (since they don’t want to ruin it for you), chances are they are suffering somewhat from empty nest syndrome.  Of course, college is a time for you to really enjoy your independence and you should definitely make the most of that.  Still, there are some easy ways you can keep your parents in the loop without divulging too much information that will stab at that first taste of freedom. Here are some basic tips:
1.    Tell them your weekend plans; if you are planning an interesting excursion, this might be something that they will enjoy hearing about.
2.    Let them know about your lectures; talk to them about the subject matters and what is most interesting to you.
3.    If you’ve started a new sport since you began at college, talk to them about that.
4.    Ask them what they’ve been up to over the weekend; if you still have siblings at home, make sure to keep up the connection with them too. Despite any sibling rivalry you’ve experienced in the past, there is a good chance that now you’re out the house they’ll be missing you.

5.    Tell them what you miss about home; home cooking, chatting to them, it doesn’t matter what it is.
Remember to keep it vanilla. You don’t want to rock the boat. The beginning of your college experience can certainly be fun and exciting for you but at the same time, it can be a rather difficult transition period for all those you’ve left behind.