Mezcla y combina Paletas de Yogurt Congelado en el Verano

¡Mantente fresco y sano este verano con estas 4 ideas de paletas de yogurt congelado!

•    En capas- Para una paleta de yogurt con capas, vierte un tercio de una taza de yogurt con gusto a café en un vaso de papel.  Déjalo congelar por 30 minutos, después agrega un vaso de vainilla. Repite y agrega sabores hasta que el vaso esté lleno.  ¡No te olvides del palo de la paleta!
•    Con un remolino- En un gran bol con yogurt de vainilla, suavemente agrega crema de chocolate con avellanas. Recógelo en un vaso de papel, y congélalo con un palo.
•    Cubierto- Experimenta con diferentes toppings como mini chispas de chocolate, pedazos de pretzel, barras saludables trituradas y maníes

•    Combo- Pruebe intercalando capas sólidas de yogurt de vainilla y capas de remolinos. Mezcla los sabores también, combinando capaz de remolinos de café y avellanas, vainilla, remolinos de frutilla y topppings de chocolate.

English translation

The Widespread Health Benefits of Yogurt

Despite it’s incomparable health benefits, yogurt is often overlooked by today’s dieters and health fanatics.

First and foremost, yogurt is rich in easy-to-absorb calcium. One cup of yogurt can provide the body with the nutrients needed to build, strengthen maintain the bones each day. The fact that low-fat dairy products minimize the risk of bone disease and fractures has been recognized for many years.

Yogurt is also loaded with complete proteins, providing the body with all the different amino acids it needs to function. In addition, yogurt contains numerous vitamins and minerals, as well as low fat content.

Lactose intolerance is a common issue, one that leads many people to believe that they must live without milk products. Not so for yogurt, since the bacteria it contains breaks down the lactose into more tolerable components.

The bacteria in the food have other advantages as well. They are capable of restoring the proper balance of ‘good’ bacteria within the body, especially in the case of antibiotics. Healthy bacteria populations strengthen the immune system, and also improve digestion and the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the body.