Tips for Great Sleep When Bed Sharing

There are a lot of compromises that come with being married, or living with a loved one. One of those compromises shouldn’t be sleep. It’s vitally important that you get a great night sleep to be able to function throughout the day and to maintain your health. But what are you to do if your partner snores? moves around a lot? talks in their sleep? steals the covers?

This article does a great job breaking down the many challenges to sleeping with a partner. The main solution they come up with in the end is that you may, simply, need to have separate beds (or even separate rooms). But before taking that drastic step, and after reading the article, there are some other solutions to consider.

  1. Separate bedding: No one says that you have to share a comforter just because you’re now sharing a bed. Many sleep issues for couples may actually be solved by buying more sheets and more comforters. Give yourselves the space you need in the bed to curl up, flop around, and throw off those covers without it ruining your partner’s sleep.
  2. Sleep machines: If snoring or other noise issues are the problem, it might be worth turning on some music or white noise at night. These sounds can drown out the other, more distracting noises, and can allow you to focus on these new and pleasant sounds.
  3. Insomnia: If it’s an issue of insomnia, try to take a warm shower before bed and drink some decaffeinated tea or some warm milk before bed. Make sure not to exercise within a few hours of going to sleep, as this raises your endorphins and makes it harder to fall asleep.

Certainly, if these and other suggestions don’t work for you, it may be time to take drastic measures. Here’s to a good night sleep for all of us!


James Fishman has been involved in the world of online magazines for more than 15 years. He helped launch Sunstone Online and continues to improve the magazine as site editor and administrator. His writing focuses primarily business and technology. To be in touch with James, feel free to contact him at james[at]

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