Three Tips for a Great School Year

schoolboy-990795_960_720Getting ready for the new school year can be quite exciting, but it can be nerve-raking as well. Little kids want to be seen as being cool and as fitting in. And that can be stressful both for the child and the parent as they search for the right school supplies and get all of the items together that the child will need for the coming year. Here are some suggestions that will help parents and children to navigate this process.

1. Clothing: Everything young girl wants to look just right for the new school year. If you haven’t already seen this company, check out the fun and feisty clothing at a place like LittleMissMatched. This company was acquired by Delta Galil with Isaac Dabah in 2012 and has continued created adorable and fashionable clothing. Delta Galil, with Isaac Dabah at the helm, leads the industry in technology innovation in textile manufacturing and design. At a company like LittleMissMatched, girls will find just the right clothing for the school year ahead.

2. Supplies: If you’ve been given a school list during the summer, it’s certainly worthwhile going to Target or a similar location and buying the school supplies. Bring your child with you so that she can pick the notebook colors and designs that she likes. This might seem like a little thing to you – but it will make a big difference to her.

3. Lunch Bags and Backpacks: Again, these may seem like little, inconsequential details and you may think of just picking up a lunch bag and backpack for your child without her present, but don’t. These are make-or-break items for looking and feeling cool as the school year starts. Let her shop for these items with you. Remember that you can also help the environment by buying a reusable lunch bag and avoiding the use of paper or plastic bags.

These tips should get you started on the right path. As soon as your daughter realized that you’re shopping with her and including her in the process, she’ll take ownership over it and will feel much better about her choices.

Tatyana McFadden: A Formidable Force in Wheelchair Racing

Tatyana McFadden just won the Boston Marathon for wheelchair racing. This was her fourth victory with a time of 1:42:16. As she told People Magazine,

“It was tough and there was a headwind. I’m exhausted, but crossing the finish line definitely felt amazing. The crowd was really electric and helped carry all of us when we were tired and beaten down.”

Her win, however, is less impressive than her life story. Born with sina bifida, she spent the first six years of her life scooting around on her hands since the Russian orphanage where she lived had no wheelchairs. She wasn’t expected to survive, but she was adopted by two American women who nursed her to health and watched her become an incredible athlete.

She is the first person to ever win all four of the world’s major wheelchair racing marathons, having scooped wins in London, Boston, Chicago and New York. At the Paralympics in Rio, she will be competing in seven track and field events.

Doctor Cycling Around the World

bike-1080079_960_720It is awe-inspiring to read about people who have changed their own lives in order to change the lives of others. Dr. Steven Fabes is one of those. He has cycled 53,285 miles in the last six years to help and empower others. In 2010, the doctor left London to get on a bicycle and he has, so far, cycled across Europe, Africa, South America, Central and North America, Australia and Asia. His travel blog, Cycling the 6, shares stories of his experiences.

He wanted, at first, to exist on $10 a day, but he ran out of money after three years. Since then, he has been making money as a public speaker and freelance writer and with the sponsors he has for his gear. As he said, “I’ve honestly never considered giving up. The hardest times have been during a winter crossing of Mongolia – a lonely, difficult place, especially when it’s minus 35 at night!”

During the six years, he has raised more than £20,000 for the medical NGO Merlin(before they merged with another NGO in 2013) and he has shared his skills with many in need. He is now nearing the end of his adventure and plans to return to the UK soon to write a book about his adventures.


Want Your Kids To Be Better Readers? Get Them Moving!

readA new study led by author Professor Charles Hillman of the University of Illinois shows that you might want to get your kids out for more exercise to improve their reading. Children who are physically fit have faster brain responses when reading than do their less fit peers, according to the study.

They explain that they did not prove that higher levels of fitness don’t guarantee better reading proficiency, but they do see a connection.

The researchers used electroencephalography (EEG) to capture electrical impulses associated with brain activity for reading and doing other activities. Researchers looked at brain waveforms N400 and P600 and found that children who were more fit had higher amplitude N400 and P600 waves than their less-fit friends when reading sentences.

As Professor Hillman explained, “Previous reports have shown that greater N400 amplitude is seen in higher-ability readers…All we know is there is something different about higher and lower fit kids. But more work must be done to tease out the causes of improved cognition in kids who are more fit.”

As Professor Hillman concluded, “Many studies conducted in the last decade, on children and older adults have repeatedly demonstrated an effect of increases in either physical activity in one’s lifestyle or improvements in aerobic fitness, and the implications of those health behaviors for brain structure, brain function and cognitive performance.”

Owning or Admiring a Piece of History

Clemens Manuscript at Shapell Manuscript Foundation
Clemens Manuscript at Shapell Manuscript Foundation

Certainly, many people today enjoy collecting autographs, documents and other items from the rich and famous. Some people enjoy trying to get autographs from living celebrities, while others enjoy a piece of history.

There are different ways to obtain these pieces of history and to enjoy such a prize. Here are a few ways to do so.

  1. Fan club mail: If you write to a celebrity, they will often send you a headshot with a signature. Now, the signature won’t be a handwritten one, but will usually be a computer generated copy.
  2. Find someone who knows someone: One way to get the signature you want is to actually meet the person. This is obviously not easily done, but if you find connections, you might be able to either meet them yourself and get their signature, or have someone else do so.
  3. Auctions and collectors: Historic documents and memorabilia do come up for sale at times. You can look for antique sales and can see what auction houses have to offer. A reputable manuscript foundation like Shapell Manuscript Foundation has fascinating documents and items from famous people throughout history. A few of their recent examples include one of the last documents ever signed by William McKinley before he was killed and a mock-up by Samuel Clemens of his title page and dedication of “More Tramps Abroad.”

With a bit of ingenuity and perseverance, you should be able to own (or at least admire) pieces of history from the rich and famous.

Autism Speaks Hosted by Patrick Dollard and the Center for Discovery

Patrick Dollard
Specially Designed Tables at the Center for Discovery Help Clients Learn

CEO and President Patrick Dollard, Center for Discovery, along with other senior leadership of the Center, welcomed representatives from Autism Speaks last July for an informative visit showcasing the 60 years the Center has been providing care for adults and children with autism and sever physical disabilities.

The Discovery Center is New York State’s largest residential pediatric provider serving children with severe disabilities in addition to those with autism. There are over 1,500 staff members on three campuses. Together the facilities cover 1,500 acres, accommodating its constantly growing population of residential and day patients.

At its inception the Center primarily cared for children with serious physical disabilities, but when it began to also care for those with autism, Discovery eventually expanded, doubling its population. Those in the residential program are fed organically grown food raised at the Center itself. Many residents also eat at tables specifically designed by an adaptive technology unit.

Patrick Dollard explained that when he contemplated an appropriate name for the Center, he wanted to avoid calling the Center after a disease. Instead he wanted the name to reflect more on the philosophy of the Center. Since Dollard’s goal is to try and change the way people think about disabilities, being more open to all and every possibility for care and treatment, discovery seemed an apropos name, indeed.

“I would bring in a shaman from the forest if I thought it would help us,” Dollard said.

Visiting the Discovery Center were Autism Speaks President Liz Feld, Executive Vice President for Strategic Communications Michael Rosen, and members of the science staff of the autism advocacy organization. Autism speaks focuses its energies on funding research into finding the causes, prevention, and treatments for autism as well as supporting the care of people with this little-understood disability.

Autism Speaks is also dedicated to advocacy and increasing awareness of autism in the general public.