Charter Schools 101

Everyone seems to be talking about charter schools, but how many people really understand what they are, how they work, and what the goals of charter schools are?

The concept of charter schools is relatively new. University of Massachusetts professor Ray Budde first developed the idea of a charter school as an alternative to, but not a replacement for, traditional public school education. Albert Shanker, then the president of the American Federation of Teachers, embraced the idea of charter schools in 1988 when he described the establishment of “schools of choice,” or “charter schools” as a viable answer to the question of how to improve and reform the public school system at the time.

It is important to understand that although charter schools do not have to adhere to many of the restrictions required of traditional public schools, they are nevertheless considered public schools for the following reasons:

•    Charter schools do not charge tuition, which differentiates them in a significant way from private schools; they are completely open to all students who wish to attend.
•    Charter schools are not permitted to discriminate in any way. They are required to be non-sectarian.
•    Funding for charter schools comes from tax dollars based on the number of students in attendance. This is the same source of support which traditional public schools enjoy.
•    Charter schools are held accountable for the same academic standards which conventional public schools are required by law to adhere to according to federal and individual state guidelines.

Nonetheless charter schools have a degree of independence which traditional public schools find difficult, if not impossible, to pursue. Innovative programing and the ability to meet the needs of their particular student bodies set charter schools apart from traditional public schools. Some ways in which charter schools can meet the individual needs of their students are through:

•    The institution of longer hours if the teachers and/or administrative staff believe that will help improve student outcome.
•    The school’s ability to create curricula which better meet the needs of its particular students.
•    The charter school’s mandate to create a unique academic culture, such as emphasizing arts, science, college prep, or whatever the teachers and/or administration decide should be the school’s focus.
•    The utilization of new, innovative and creative teaching paradigms. Many charter schools have chosen to depart from the traditional method of frontal teaching, exploring alternatives which often better meet the needs of students coming of age in the technological era of the 21st century.

Charter schools are an adjunct to traditional public schools which have dominated the educational landscape in the United States during the past century or more; but it is important to remember that they are not a replacement for them. Learning how charter schools work, what their goals are and how they intend to achieve those goals will help parents make the best possible choice for their children, whether that choice is traditional public schools, or schools within the framework of the charter model.


Say No to Saggy Pants, Says Sen. Eric Adams

In an article in the New York Post, State Senator Eric Adams (D-Queens), a former NYPD police officer, wrote poignantly about student dress codes. As Victory Education Partners pointed out, the article attempts to lobby Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott to adopt a resolution banning sagging pants in the classroom.

As Sen. Adams wrote,

School is more than ABCs and 123s. It’s the beginning of developing how to interact in a social setting. When you walk through the halls of our schools, you see children showing their behind, the cracks of their behind, their underwear, young girls showing their G-strings. And the institution that’s supposed to be responsible for developing well-rounded young people is not stopping it.”

He expected that people would challenge him and say “What’s the big deal?” He goes on in the article to explain, “It is symbolic of the erosion of basic, normal decency. People shouldn’t be displaying their pubic hairs. That is not normal, acceptable behavior in young people that we are grooming to be in a professional environment. You can’t dress the same on the corner as you can in corporate America — you’ll be unemployed.”

He pointed out that the role of the schools, whether they are public schools, Victory Education Partners, or other organizations, is to teach right from wrong. Even if the kids go around the corner and ignore the rules, they will still have been told and taught what they are.

As he wrote, “Young people have always established themselves in an anti-establishment way — I don’t care if it’s wearing long hair, wearing bell bottoms, wearing miniskirts. But there was always an adult that said, “Cut your hair, make that skirt longer.” There was always a way to correct it, and that’s the role of our schools.”

In powerful language he explained that,

“This is the broken window of social behavior — when you ignore people walking the streets showing their ass.”

What do you think?


Teen Science Cafe Launched at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences

A new wing for older children and teens was recently opened at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. The Nature Research Center, which focuses on research and conservation, is also launching a Teen Science Café program for the first time.

Made possible by a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation, this free event will be held on a monthly basis throughout the school year. Topics, speakers and programs will be planned with help from the Teen Advisory Board. Similar cafes will be launched in Chapel Hill with Morehead Planetarium and Science Center and at the Museum of Forestry in Whiteville.

The first session, which will be held this coming Friday, will focus on tree-top exploration and conservation. The presentation will be from ‘Canopy’ Meg Lowman, director of the Nature Research Center, where she will discuss Earth’s rainforest, scientific methods used in their research, as well as things teenagers can do to help protect them. The event will also include a visit to one of the new Investigate Labs, where participants will learn about tree-harming insects.


Camping Trip for the 2012 Perseid Meteor Shower

If you are looking for an impromptu activity to do with your friends, partner or children, tonight is an especially perfect night to embark on a camping trip. Though last minute, the advantage to camping this weekend is the peak of the  2012Perseid meteor shower which can be seen clearly in the night sky, as long as there are no interfering urban lights or glares. According to scientist Bill Cook, more than 100 ‘shooting stars’ can be seen in a single hour during this event.

The moon, Venus and Jupiter will also align in a spectacular display in the night sky, providing a romantic atmosphere or the perfect opportunity to teach your kids about the solar system, Earth and our moon.

Science@NASA released a short video that explains the phenomenon, which ends on August 13th.


Remembering Amelia Earhart

Today’s Google Doodle sets out to honor Amelia Earhart on her 115th birthday. Born on July 24th, 1897, Earhart was an author and aviation pioneer, widely known for being the first aviatrix to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

Earhart was awarded the U.S. Distinguished Flying Cross as a result of her feat, and set several other records in the field as well. Some of Earhart’s bestselling books included retellings of her flight experiences, and her stories and passion for aviation inspired many women throughout the United States, including Eleanor Roosevelt.

Amelia Mary Earhart, or ‘Meeley’, grew up in Kansas with her younger sister Grace Muriel Earhart- ‘Pidge.’ Having been raised in an unconventional manner, Amelia was always encouraged to pursue her interests and spent most of her childhood climbing trees, hunting rats with a rifle, collecting insects and toads, and ‘belly slamming’ her sled downhill.

Amelia and her sister were homeschooled until she was 12 years old; only then were they sent to public school. Despite the numerous moves and relocations throughout her family life, Amelia learned that she was “exceedingly fond of reading” and pursued her education passionately, taking particular interest in fields that were mainly male-oriented, including law, advertising, mechanical engineering and film direction and production.

Earhart trained as a nurse’s aide and helped care for soldiers and other World War I casualties after visiting her sister in Toronto and witnessing the wounded in 1917. She continued her service when the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic hit Canada, and later became afflicted with the illness herself.

During the time spent recovering, Earhart attended an air fair in Toronto and witnessed a flying exhibition put on by a World War I ‘ace.’  Later she recalled:

“I believe that little red airplane said something to me as it swished by.”

She planned to study medicine at Colombia University, but after a visit to an airfield and an impromptu ride, Earhart’s life had changed.

“By the time I had got two or three hundred feet off the ground, I knew I had to fly,” she said.


American Writers Museum Plans Released

For over a year, the American Writers Museum Foundation has been working to develop a plan for a site focused on honoring great U.S. authors. On July 16th, the organization released a detailed outline for such a museum.

The museum, which will likely be built in Chicago, Illinois, will cover 60,000 feet, according to the foundation. The goal is to have the first 20,000 feet completed by 2015. Funded by the Stead Family Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities, the idea is the brainchild of numerous authors, museum workers and designers from New York, Boston and Chicago.

Jim Leach, chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, explained:

“There is a void in the American museum world. We collect in central points the artifacts of civilization and honor politicians and soldiers, athletes and artists, inventors and entrepreneurs, but we neglect our writers. In a country established as an idea explicated in written documents and embellished by generations of poets, novelists and critics, the case for commemorating the written word is self-evident. After all, what is written describes a people and what is celebrated defines their values.”

The museum concept plan, published by the American Writers Museum Foundation, adds:

“Here is what The American Writers Museum will be: It will be a place where diverse audiences have unique and unexpected encounters with American writers and writing; it will be a place with engagement so compelling it will be a must-see, must-do part of the nation’s cultural landscape.”

The museum layout will feature several attractions, including an education center, theater, bookstore, literary lounge and café. The writers’ hall will be arranged in several themed sets, such as ‘American Towns’, ‘Conflict’, and ‘American Families.’ Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women, or The Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder, for example, could be found in the American Families wing.