Eating Healthy Not All About Calorie Counting, Knowing Fat Content

Scientists from the Université Laval in Canada, Cornell University in New York and Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Paul Bocuse in Écully, France have found some fascinating information. While American appear to be obsessed with diet and calorie counting, the French are far less aware of nutritional labels. However, French obesity rates are around 12%, while American obesity rates have reached three times that amount.

Scientists interviewed more than 300 French, Quebec and American consumers with a questionnaire that was designed to see what they knew about dietary fats. French respondents said that they didn’t know the answer to 43% of the questions about dietary fats, as compared to just 4% of American respondents.

As Professor Maurice Doyon from Université Laval said when analyzing the data, “The difference among respondents’ knowledge essentially indicates that the French don’t take much of an interest in the nutrients contained in the foods they eat. The information is on the package, but they don’t read it.”

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Reporting their findings in a recent edition of The British Food Journal, they found that the correlation between extensive nutritional knowledge and high obesity shows that just by focusing on nutrition does not guarantee healthy eating.

As Dr. Doyon said, “This may lead them to think of food in terms of its fat, carbohydrate, and caloric content and lose sight of the whole picture. It might be better to focus on what constitutes a healthy, complete, and balanced meal.”

Daily Activity Lowers Risk of Alzheimer’s

A recent study of 716 people, with an average age of 82, has revealed that daily exercise may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease significantly.

Study participants wore wrist monitors, called actigraphs, for ten days straight. The devices kept track of all activity in 15-second segments. The volunteers were also given annual memory and thinking tests over the course of four years. 71 of the participants developed Alzheimer’s throughout the trial.

The data showed that people who are less physically active are doubly likely to develop Alzheimer’s, regardless of age. Intensity levels of the exercise have an impact as well; seniors who performed intense workouts were three times less likely to develop the disease. The study monitored daily activity as opposed to long-term habits, which implied that a change in lifestyle even at an older age may help protect a person from the condition.

According to Dr. Aron Buchman of the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center, the actigraphs could not differentiate between activities such as a basketball game or a card game. If the movement was recorded for over thirty minutes, he explained, it suggests a more intense exercise.

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“The important thing is, since we measured all types of activity, it allowed an interesting perspective that even among older people who may not be able to participate in a formal exercise program, a more active lifestyle- even if it’s just washing the dishes or walking around inside- is better than you sitting,” he said. “Increasing activity level by 10 to 15 percent could be good as well,” he added.

“People who read more, go to church, play Bingo or do crossword puzzles, rather than just sit around and vegetate, will derive some benefit,” Buchman said. “The sum total of all types of activities is not only beneficial for older people, but could also be beneficial for the health care system if they can tailor programs to address the issue of older people who have health issues and may not be able to participate in a formal health care program.”


The Most Popular Platic Surgery Is… The Chin Implant

Recent figures have revealed that the most popular cosmetic surgery is the ‘chinplant,’ which focuses on boosting a weak chin or reducing one too prominent. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), chin implants were more wanted in 2011 than breast augmentation, liposuction and Botox- combined!

Last year, over 20,000 chin implant procedures were performed in the United States, mainly in patients over 40 years of age. However, numerous patients were in their twenties, as well. Experts believe the sharp increase in chinplants is a result of the video conferencing trend, which draws focus to an employee’s facial features.

The surgery usually takes around four hours, and is often considered an outpatient procedure. Soreness, swelling and pain tend to last for around two weeks.

Dr. Malcolm Roth, ASPS president, said: “The chin and jawline are among the first areas to show signs of aging. People are considering chin augmentation as a way to restore their youthful look just like a facelift or eyelid surgery. We also know that as more people see themselves on video chat technology, they may notice that their jawline is not as sharp as that want it to be.”

Lizette Stephens confirmed this theory, stating: “I do a lot of video chats and I’m in a lot of photos and noticed that my double chin was very pronounced. It really, really bothered me.
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I wanted to do something about it and get a more profound profile and more definition in my chin area.”

Dr. Darrick Antell, a surgeon in New York, added that the stronger chin may have a real impact on business. “We know that chief executives tend to be tall, attractive, good-looking people,” he said. “We now know that these people also tend to have a stronger chin. As a result, people subconsciously associate a stronger chin with more authority, self-confidence and trustworthiness.”

Other increasingly popular procedures include lip augmentation, cheek implants, laser skin resurfacing, soft tissue fillers, and facelifts.

Oreos & Breastfeeding Stirring Controversy

Most large companies have “oops” moments at one time or another, when they have to clean up a mess that they’ve made, or one that has been made around them. Kraft Foods appears to have recently had such a moment.  A new Oreo ad that they claim was never intended for mass release has been stirring controversy.

The advertisement released in South Korea shows a baby about to breastfeed holding an Oreo in its hand.  At the bottom of the ad are the words “Milk’s favorite cookie.”

A Kraft spokesman told CBS St. Louis that, “We’d like to clarify that Kraft Foods did not create this visual. In fact, this visual was created by our agency for a one-time use at an advertising awards program.”

They added, in a feeble attempt to cover for themselves,

“It was never intended for public distribution or use with consumers. And it has never run in Korea or any other markets.”

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Rather, they are pointing the finger at Cheil Worldwide, the advertising agency that Kraft uses and that created the image for them.

The advertisement has set off a storm of tweets and chatter, most of it negative. While some are wondering why a breastfeeding baby would be an image that would lure people to purchase Oreos (point well taken), others are outraged over the explicit showing of the breast and of breastfeeding.  Some breastfeeding advocates, however, are sounding off that the ad and its controversy are great, as they show a step in the right direction to make breastfeeding a part of regular daily activity.

What do you think?

Blood Test to Identify Depression?

In what could prove to be a incredible find, researchers from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine have devised a simple blood test that can diagnose major depression in teenagers.  Lead investigator Eva Redei, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the university said,

“’Right now depression is treated with a blunt instrument. It’s like treating type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes exactly the same way. We need to do better for these kids. This is the first significant step for us to understand which treatment will be most effective for an individual patient.”

As she explained, ”Without an objective diagnosis, it’s very difficult to make that assessment. The early diagnosis and specific classification of early major depression could lead to a larger repertoire of more effective treatments and enhanced individualized care.”

The new test not only identifies depression, but it can also identity subtypes of depression.  It shows differences between teens with major depression and those who have major depression with an anxiety disorder.

Untreated teen depression can have debilitating consequences.  Untreated teens experiencing depression can turn to substance abuse, social maladjustment, suicide and illness.

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The study published in the journal Translational Psychiatry looked at 14 teenagers who had major depression but had not been treated and at 14 non-depressed teens. They were all patients of Doctor Kathleen Pajer, a co-first author of the study and those of her colleagues at the Research Institute of Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

When looking at 26 genetic blood markers, Prof. Redei’s lab testing was able to isolate 11 markers that were different for depressed and non-depressed teens.  In addition, 18 of the 26 markers were able to differentiate between those with major depression and those who also had an anxiety disorder.

Professor Redei is hoping that her work, and future diagnostic tools, will help to take away the stigma of mental illness.  As she said,

“Everybody, including parents, are wary of treatment, and there remains a social stigma around depression, which in the peer-pressured world of teenagers is even more devastating. Once you can objectively diagnose depression as you would hypertension or diabetes, the stigma will likely disappear.”

Red Wine May Help Control Weight Gain

The health benefits of red wine have long been recognized by the scientific world. Compounds found in the beverage are believed to provide protection against heart and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as reduce the risk of several cancers. Now, research suggests it may help control obesity, too.

Though exercise is certainly imperative for both weight control and general health, a substance called piceatannol was found to hinder the growth of fat cells in the body. According to Purdue University in Indiana, this red wine compound limits insulin activity that results in the growth and maturity of fat cells.

Dr. Kee-Hong Kim, lead researcher, explained: “In the presence of piceatannol you can see delay or complete inhibition of young fat cells.

Piceatannol alters the timing of gene expressions, gene functions and insulin action during adipogenesis- the process in which young fat cells become mature fat cells.”
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He added that in order for the discovery to have an impact on society, the scientists need to “work on improving the stability and solubility of piceatannol to create a biological effect.”

Other red wine compounds, such as resveratrol, have similar effects on the body’s health. Resveratrol is sometimes sold as an agent to combat disease, as well as to prevent heart conditions and cancers. Both compounds can be found in blueberries, grapes and passion fruit as well as red wine.