Real Batmobile Created in Ohio

Casey Putsch, an Ohio resident, Batman fanatic and aspiring racing driver, has created the world’s first real Batmobile. In a five-month project, Putsche created a car that is powered by jet turbines, which can reach 180 mph.

Registered and Insured

According to the inventor, the most amazing part of the car is the military spec turbine engine used in Navy helicopters. Modeled after the Batmobile featured in 1989’s Batman Returns, the car is registered and insured for the streets.

Speed Limitations and Attention Disorders

Putsch said: “The car’s greatest limitation for top speed is drag. It has really wide tires and the Batmobile body has loads of inherent and parasitic drag with its design. My car’s top speed is between 165mph and 180mph- although I’m not saying I know how it handles at high speed. The reaction I get is a mixture between complete shock and pure excitement. You could have a parking lot of Veyrons, Aventadors and McLarens and everyone would be looking at this car. I know from experience.”

He continued, “It transcends the car world and breaks down the boundary between fiction and reality with people. When people see it, they are mesmerized- even little old ladies are getting their cellphones out for a picture and video.”

“I can build almost anything,” he said. “Hopefully, with a bit of backing, I will make it all the way to Indy and bring home a 500 win.”

For the full article, click here.

Robotic Jet Ski Sees Underwater

It has always been somewhat of a challenge for naval commanders to protect moored ships from terrorists, at least in the last decade.  But now it seems that this problem may be over.  According to a report today in The Daily Mail, a cool, robotic jet ski – known as the Blackfish Craft – has been created by scientists which can “see underwater and travel at speeds of up to 40 mph.”

This robot measures 10ft and uses a remote-control from a distance of up to 1 km. As well, it can be set to pre-programmed routes.  If need be, it can “prevent a suicide attack similar to Al-Qaeda’s 2000 offensive on the U.S.S. Cole while it was docked in Yemen, an assault that claimed 17 lives.”

The problem has always been the vulnerability of navy ships to small boats and swimmers.  This is exactly what the scientists at British defense contractor QinetiQ hope the Blackfish will be able to protect.  According to a spokesman for QinetiQ North America, Mark Hewitt, “in both domestic and foreign ports, there’s great concern about swimmers approaching the boats underwater. The Navy has been working on the problem for some time.”

Blackfish Construction

The Blackfish was built by engineers removing the top half of the jet ski and giving it a video camera, surface radar, underwater sonar and later on maybe some weapons.  It is extremely fast, powered by a hydro-jet (rather than a propeller) so it’s unlikely that a collision with an innocent swimmer will occur.  What is really great about it is its pre-programmed patrol routes that are based on a GPS navigation system.

Bye-Bye Trash Can

It seems like the trash can could be getting a remake.  Starting in the UK, in the Scottish Highlands (in Inverness), a hi-tech company has developed the ‘Big Belly’ – a solar-powered computerized bin that costs £3,200.  Apart from the cool factor of it, it’s very practical, having the capacity to hold eight times as much rubbish as a regular trash can.

How Does it Work?

The trash can has machinery inside of it that “compacts litter automatically, and an internal computer is programmed to send an email to the council when the bin needs to be emptied.”  It only needs eight hours of daylight each month for its electronic devices and metal compressor used to crush the rubbish to be repowered.


Kyron – an Irish company – is manufacturing these high-tech trash cans. They have already been tested out in various Irish towns as well as Devon’s seaside resorts.  The Big Belly will now be placed outside of McDonald’s in Inverness; this move has been approved by Highland Council.  Inverness is a great city to start the trials since Inverness has been described as having a huge litter problem.

Another advantage of these trash cans is its sealed lid which will prevent vermin from scavenging.  As well they have a warning that notifies people they are reaching their capacity.  This could prevent overflowing.  Further, city employees’ burden could be reduced since they will not be called on to empty the trash cans so often.

Astronauts, Obama and Hasta La Vista

Bad Hair Day for Astronauts

It’s kind of a given that when you go up into space, you’re unlikely to experience the best hair day.  In fact, if anyone remembers the greeting the space people gave to Will and Kate on their special day. Yet apparently it can be the cause of embarrassment as Sandy Magnus discovered once photos depicting her particular bad hair day spread around the globe.  Still, even if she had known ahead of time, there probably wasn’t much she could have done due to the zero-gravity conditions on the International Space Station.  It wasn’t her hair the photographers were after though, but her discussions with President Obama from space.

Obama’s Odes

In Obama’s last call to space he thanked the shuttle program’s service, praising their work.  He said, “I know that there have been thousands who have poured their hearts and souls into America’s space shuttle program over the last three decades that are following this journey with special interest.  To them and all the men and women of Nasa, I want to say thank you. You helped our country lead the space age, and you continue to inspire us.”

Space Shuttle Program Shuts

Currently, Atlantis is in a 13-day resupply mission to the space station.  It is due to land next Thursday which will mark “the end of the 30-year space shuttle program.”  Atlantis, Discovery and Endeavour will thereafter all be “retired to museums.”

Post-Shuttle Era

Still, work remains to be done and Obama promised the continuation of space exploration through Nasa, setting a goal of “sending astronauts to a near-Earth asteroid by 2025 and to Mars and its moons by the mid-2030s.”

WWF Captures Footage of 12 Endangered Sumatran Tigers

WWF, the Worldwide Fund for Nature, had recently captured footage of twelve endangered Sumatran tigers in Indonesia’s Bukit Tigapuluh forest on central Sumatra Island. The forest is becoming smaller and smaller as a result of palm oil and paper plantations. The entire forest is planned to be cleared in the future.

The images include stills of six different tigers, as well as a mother with a cub. The videos show a female tiger with three cubs as they play around while chasing a leaf.

Endangered Species

WWF’s assessments imply that there are only around 400 Sumatran tigers left alive in the wild today. Over the last fifty years alone, Indonesia has lost both the Bali tiger and the Java tiger. Karmila Parakkasi, WWF’s Sumatra tiger research team leader, explained that the number of tigers seen during the two months of observation was unusual.

“What’s unclear is whether we found so many tigers because we’re getting better at locating our cameras, or because the tigers’ habitat is shrinking so rapidly here that they are being forced into sharing smaller and smaller bits of forest,” she said.

What About the Tigers?

According to WWF, Indonesia’s government had promised to protect the forest environment. However, the area is currently used by a subsidiary of an Indonesian paper company called Barito Timber Pacific.

“As soon as pending permits are granted by the government, the company could clear the forest to supply the wood to Asia Pulp& Paper of Sinar Mas Group,” said WWF. The organization added that it and many other environmental groups are opposed to the deforestation plan.

Air France Passenger Captures Aurora Borealis Photos at 30,000 Feet

Nate Bolt was an unusual passenger on the eleven-hour, Great Circle –route flight from San Francisco to Paris this week. While many would be glad of an entire free row for comfort reasons, Bolt used the space to set up a professional camera, tripod and time-lapse controller. Throughout the flight, Bolt’s equipment captured new photos every few seconds. His plan was to compile the stills into a movie of the entire flight.


What he did not expect, though, was to bear witness to the ethereal Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, that can often be viewed in the northern night sky. In fact, without his camera- he would have probably missed the experience all together. He explained later that when leaning over to check his camera screen, he found the camera taking photos of the green lights. When he glanced out the window, they were barely noticeable to the naked eye, though. Later he said he assumed it was because of the lights inside the plane.


When he landed, Bolt spend almost fifteen hours completing the video, which consists of 2,459 photos. The movie is two minutes long, as has already spread across the internet. Here is the completed video– what do you think?