What happened on This Day in History?

Many events have occurred on January 11 throughout the years.  For example, in America in 1928, this was the date on which Bing Crosby recorded “Ol’ Man River,” which was one of his very first hits.  He sang this with the Paul Whiteman Orchestra that he later left.  That was probably a good thing as one of his later songs – “White Christmas” – made him quite a small fortune that he thus would have had to share with his band members!

Some years later, on the same day, in 1949, Los Angeles saw its very first case of recorded snow!  And then a decade-and-a-half passed and scientists in America finally figured out that smoking is not good for one’s health. Surgeon General Luther Leonidas Terry issued a health warning that it could result in major health problems such as lung cancer.

A lot more has happened and changed of course, quite significantly in the world of technology.  Whereas the iPhone first became available in 2007, it wasn’t until January 11 of last year that Verizon announced that within a month, it would be blessed with the iPhone that it had been craving for so long.  It was, however, criticized for only doing so on the company’s 3G network, despite its claims that it is most reliable.
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So, all’s well that ends well.  Who knows what scientific discoveries; technological advancements or bright young singers will grace this page next year on January 11, 2013?  Watch this space.

Make 2012 Your Get Fit Year

New Year’s Resolutions are very popular, but it seems that they are often difficult to carry through and, at some time around February, one finds they have readopted their old habits.  This is especially true when it comes to exercise and healthy eating.  But the truth is, any changes one makes do not have to be so dramatic.  As well, it is important –vis-à-vis exercise – to find something that is not boring.

Suggestions for Getting Fit

So here are a few suggestions for ways to get fit.  Check out the different Workout DVD’s available such as Jari Love’s Extremely Ripped Boot Camp DVD for $14.99.  This is perfect for those who never feel as if they have enough time.  In fact, any DVD is good for that as it can be done at home. This one offers six 10-minute workouts exercising abs and cardio and using weights. In addition there are two 30-minute workouts and an even longer one that spans for 18 music tracks.  Or, if you just want to focus on cardio or abs, that is another option.  This DVD certainly will not leave you bored.

For those who feel the need to get out, walk more.  You do not necessarily have to spend the money to sign up for a gym membership if you don’t want to spend the money.  Just take every opportunity to walk, put on a pedometer and see how many steps you clock up each day.  Also, find a friend to team up with for fitness so you can encourage each other.

The lack of desire in women can be physical and psychological which sildenafil sale http://appalachianmagazine.com/2016/06/12/4-down-home-remedies-for-sunburns/ keep women’s sex life unsatisfied. Those who have suffered from cardiovascular disease than other patients with heart disease alone; They were at twice the risk to suffer from heart attack 1.2 times more likely to be hospitalized with heart failure symptoms 1.1 times more prone to have a stroke This study should be more of a evidence to doctors so that they should just not prescribe medication like sildenafil in usa to just. The main theme of my work since the 1960s has remained the same, “How do we put knowledge into effective use to improve mental health?” Over the last century, medicine made tremendous progress in generating scientific and levitra 20 mg http://appalachianmagazine.com/category/featured/page/15/?filter_by=random_posts clinical knowledge. A teacher cheap cialis tadalafil is instrumental in shaping the plaintiff’s action.

Eating Better

Eating healthily does not necessarily mean cutting out all the good, fun treats.  A bit of modification is needed. Ensure the house is stocked with fruit and vegetables – for those who despise raw vegetables, make soups instead.  When going out to dinner, choose healthier options like fish rather than pasta and either just have a bite of dessert or order a coffee to finish off your meal.  There are many – easy – ways to introduce healthier eating habits into your life. 

So don’t make a New Year’s Resolution, just make 2012 the year that you will be getting as healthy as possible.

How’s Kate Celebrating the End of The 20s?

As the Duchess of Cambridge bows out of her 20s, the question on everyone’s lips is, what will she be doing to celebrate her entry into her 30s?  In other words, is there a big bash planned for Kate’s special three decade birthday? 

Apparently, plans have indeed by underway for quite some time, by her sister and brother-in-law who are walking on the wild side vis-à-vis the big night. The two partners-in-crime are said to have been recruiting some good friends to help make it a night to remember for the Duchess as well.

The big night is tomorrow, January 9, and it’s all set to go ahead with an 80s theme (given that it was the decade in which the royal was born). Apparently plans for the party have been in the works for months.

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First, ‘Save the Date’ cards were sent out.  The party will be held in London and will probably feel somewhat contradictory in themes with a sense of royalness but also some light-hearted karaoke, bringing the tone down somewhat!  In a few years’ time from now, when the royal couple have been married awhile, it may not be so easy for her to really let her hair down in such a way so this party is set to let her do that.  And if she enjoys singing pop that was famous in the 1980s like “Her Name is Rio” by Duran Duran and “Holiday” by Madonna, more power to her!


New Year’s Eve: How The Royals Do It

There's no place like home it seems for the newest royal couple, even when it comes to celebrating New Year’s Eve! But family first.  Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, and hubby Prince William, first spent Christmas with Will’s side of the family and then returned to Catherine’s folks in Berkshire to celebrate the New Year with her parents and sister Pippa.

The Duchess was dressed comfortably in jeans which was fitting while she played with the family’s two dogs at the tail end of 2011.  It looked like an enjoyable family time out. Later on, Catherine was dressed to impress for her participation in the “canvas palace” that had been set up by Pippa.

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And already in 2012 Catherine has started her work.  It was just announced that she has become the patron of four worthy charities: Action on Addiction, East Anglia's Children's Hospices, the Art Room and the National Portrait Gallery. It’s good that she had a relaxing time over the holiday period, as now it’s work, work, work for the young lady, especially as her husband will soon be deployed.

One Whole Century, He’s Still Serving Patients

Yes, indeed.  A doctor who just turned one hundred, is still making house calls to his patients.  According to Dr. Fred Goldman, this is a crucial part of his work since a lot of them are too sick to leave their houses.   He has been serving his patients faithfully for 76 years and a couple of weeks ago, tons of them came to throw him a surprise birthday party.  But it ended up with him surprising them as he showed up an hour-and-a-half early.  Still, there must have been some surprise element as he said he nearly had a heart attack on seeing so many people gather there for him.

At 100-years old, Goldman is the oldest licensed physician who is practicing medicine in Ohio.  At the party he couldn’t stop himself from being in his natural element by asking his patients about their various ailments.

Still, some people are surprised that his patients are so loyal to him.  Why would they want to be treated by such an elderly doctor?  Well, one of his patients – fourth generation – explained it simply:  “he’s seen it all and he knows everything.”  Now that is a pretty tough argument with which to contend.

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Goldman’s Later Career Path

In 2007, Dr. Goldman asked Dr. Leo Wayne – who was 81-years-old at the time – to join him.  But Wayne was ready to retire, and, at age 96, Goldman cut back from five to three eight-hour work days.  Wayne said he would not suggest Goldman retire.  He is a great diagnostician, knows his patients and realizes he’s still up to the job.  In addition, he said that most people his age don’t feel a thing; “they’re dead,” he added, to a roar of laughter from the crowd.

New Year’s Eve and Day Traditions

Why do so many people celebrate and party on New Year’s Eve?  What happens – apart from nursing a hangover – about New Year’s Day?  It seems like the traditions on these dates goes back a long time.  The first month – January – was established by the Roman Calendar and was named after Janus, a god, which is also the Latin word for door.  Janus had two faces enabling him to look back into the old year (and perhaps inspire him to make changes from his past actions) and forwards into the new one.

The Door Custom

In the olden days, the New Year started with a custom known as the 'first footing', which was intended to bring people good luck in the New Year. After midnight, people waited behind their doors for someone with dark-hair to show up, carrying a piece of coal, bread, money and greenery. These symbolic items were meant for good luck; the coal to ensure a warm house; the bread to symbolize everyone in the house having enough to eat; money so that no-one experienced poverty and greenery for a long life. Following this, the dark-haired guest took a pan with dust or ashes in, to signify the end of the old year and beginning of the new one.

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New Year’s Eve Today

Today it seems most of these traditions are no longer kept. People just party pretty hard, get a bit drunk and enjoy fireworks in most places.  In Great Britain at the stroke of midnight, partygoers traditionally link arms and sing Auld Lang Syne to remind them of old and new friends.  In New York they watch the ball drop and in San Francisco, the Waterfront Area is a very popular place to be at midnight.