The new health care legislation recently passed by the Obama administration should be of great benefit to those self-employed individuals who, until now, have had to pay for their own health insurance at extremely high rates. As individuals who are not members of a group which can use its numbers as clout to obtain better deals, individual insurance consumers and have had to pay for it, quite literally.
Bringing down the prices for these self-employed individuals and their families now opens up great opportunities for them to choose the perfect health insurance for themselves, at the right price. However, the large number of health insurance providers and their many offers and prices can make choosing the perfect health coverage a daunting task. In 2014 there will be ‘health insurance exchanges’ which, it is hoped, will provide a simple way for consumers to compare the large variety of plans. But until then, consumers are on their own. Or are they?
Savvy consumers can employ the services of an insurance broker who can lead them through the swamp of numerous health plans, helping them find the right insurance coverage at the right price. Sometimes thought of as “relics from the past” insurance brokers have recently experienced a resurgence of demand and find that now they are busier than ever. According to Janet Trautwein, the chief executive of the National Association of Health Underwriters, “Our member brokers are reporting that the number of calls they receive has quadrupled since the president signed the health reform bill in March.” A recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation has estimated that about one third of individuals buying health insurance plans engage the services of an insurance broker. Without the help of the broker, it would be impossible to make an informed choice in such a large marketplace of products available.